
Books reviews by KyBunnies

Where Petals Fall by Melissa Foster

**Beware of possible spoilers, sorry***   ***I received an ARC of this book***

I started and finished this book in about 3 hours.  First, the cover is perfect.  I love the little girl with a flower.  I do wonder why a rose was not used but that is my preference.   

Sarah is in regression from what no one knows.  While reading this a million and one thoughts went through my head about what trauma Sarah experienced.  As a parent we always worry about our child and as they get older that worry just increases.  When a child is young we are able to control the environment / experiences more. But, what if someone you trust is responsible?  How would you react? If someone emotionally hurt your child would you be able to forgive? Me, sorry never.  I only have one child and he is my everything.  Does not matter how old he is – if hurt him, you hurt me. 

I wonder why Junie was so easy to move pass the hurt.  Sometimes emotional hurt is worse than physical.  Physical scars heal, emotional is there for life.  In this I felt the book wrapped up too quickly.  Yes, I know we are supposed to forgive and forget.  The easy part is forgiving.  The hard part is forgetting. 

Readers are shown some parts where the impression is given that Junie’s marriage is perfect.  How perfect is any marriage?  On the outside looking in most all couples have a perfect marriage, it is what each person experiences, the let-downs, the one who stays at work to late, the miss opportunity for relationship growth, the flirting with someone at work.  Little things like this are what the outside world never sees in a prefect marriage. 

Brain seemed to spend a lot of time at work.  I understand he is an up-and-coming lawyer.  But to leave the house at 6 am and not come back home until 11 pm, with Junie never questioning him?  Never trying to help with Sarah’s problem.  Blaming Junie for babying her too much.  Annoyed at the wet sheets.  Sorry a man like this does not deserve any sympathy from me. 

I did enjoy this book, but those are my thoughts and questions. The story unfolds slowly and leave readers wondering who or what hurt Sarah.  Junie kept cooking to help release stress, and I can understand this.  Baking is a great outlet for stress – pounding the dough, crushing nuts, everything.  It seems like sometimes Junie had rather bake than actually face the world and her problems.  This does get annoying throughout the whole book.  To this reader it seems like Junie is always walking away from the problem instead of facing / solving it. 

I wonder why everyone was scared to tell Junie about her missing memories from childhood.  I understand memories can be painful, but Junie is suppose to be an adult.  If she cannot handle hearing the truth then maybe she really does need deep emotional therapy.  Everyone seemed to hew-haw around what happened to Ellen.  No one wanted to tell anyone anything.  Seemed like they had rather sweep the past away than admit to any faults and move one.

I liked how the story unfolded.  Several different twists keep popping up diverting the true plot.  A story to keep readers wondering what might happen next. 

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review. All views are my own and do not reflect those of the author, my clients or tour companies I work with. This is not a paid review. To form your own opinion please support the author and acquire your own legal copy of the book.

The bunnies and I give this book Bunny4 carrots.